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Millennial Moms and Money: Becoming Your Best Self with Catherine Collins

Today on Redefining Motherhood, I'm thrilled to welcome guest, Catherine Collins. Catherine is a nationally recognized entrepreneur and author of the book "Mom's Got Money: A Millennial Mom's Guide to Managing Money," as well as the Co-Founder of "Five Year You." Over the past decade, her expertise has been featured in numerous media outlets, including Good Morning America, Yahoo Finance, Forbes, and more. In our conversation, Catherine shares her journey of perseverance in getting her book published. She emphasizes the importance of staying true to her vision and mission to empower moms to manage their finances.

Empowering Moms to Manage Their Money

One of the key topics Catherine and I discuss is the importance of financial empowerment for moms. Catherine emphasizes that women need to take control of their finances, even in happy and safe marriages. Many women struggle with low self-worth and self-consciousness when it comes to money management. By building financial literacy and confidence, moms can make informed decisions that benefit their families and their personal growth.

Catherine shares her journey of overcoming financial struggles and the importance of having a financial safety net. As a parent and business owner, she understands the challenges of balancing work and family while ensuring financial stability. She encourages moms to educate themselves about budgeting, savings, and investing to feel more empowered over their financial situations.

We also discuss the importance of trust and communication in financial decision-making. By having open and honest conversations with their partners about finances, moms can alleviate stress and work together towards common financial goals. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of partnership and mutual support.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding Success

Many women experience self-doubt and imposter syndrome, especially when balancing motherhood and career goals. Catherine and I delve into strategies for overcoming these challenges and embracing lifelong learning. By adopting a growth mindset, moms can view setbacks as opportunities for growth and continuously strive to improve.

Catherine shares her personal experience of being a single parent and running a business while co-parenting with her ex-husband. She emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and staying true to one's goals, even when faced with rejection or obstacles. By believing in their worth and capabilities, moms can overcome self-doubt and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

We also highlight the significance of mentorship and role models. Finding someone who demonstrates the vision of success in both motherhood and career can provide valuable guidance and inspiration. By modeling their behaviors and habits, moms can cultivate the qualities needed to achieve their own goals.

Balancing Work and Motherhood

Balancing work and motherhood is a common struggle for many women. Catherine and I discuss practical strategies for finding harmony between personal needs and family responsibilities. By setting clear boundaries and prioritizing self-care, moms can avoid burnout and maintain their well-being.

Catherine shares her experience of managing finances in her household with her husband, highlighting the importance of transparency and proactive communication. By having all financial information on the table, rather than living with secrecy and uncertainty, couples can work together towards financial security and peace of mind.

We also touch on the importance of having a flexible work schedule. As a single parent, Catherine values the ability to work independently and manage her time effectively. This flexibility allows her to balance her work and parenting responsibilities without compromising her personal growth and well-being.

Living Authentically and Prioritizing Personal Values

Living authentically and prioritizing personal values are essential for personal growth and fulfillment. We discuss the challenges of living authentically in today's society and the need to question societal pressures. By focusing on what truly fulfills them, moms can lead more meaningful lives.

Catherine shares her insights on clarity and purpose in life and career. She encourages self-reflection to discover one's life vision and goals. By tuning in to their inner voice and setting boundaries, moms can align their actions with their desired life vision and build habits that support their personal growth.

Lastly, we also emphasize the importance of prioritizing self-care and joy in the process of personal development. By finding activities that fill them up and make them feel like themselves, moms can maintain their mental and emotional well-being. This self-love and joy are crucial for sustaining long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Creating a vision for your life is a powerful tool for personal growth and fulfillment. By reflecting on your values, setting clear goals, and taking intentional actions, you can transform your life and redefine motherhood on your terms. Catherine Collins and I hope our conversation inspires you to take control of your finances, embrace self-care, and live authentically.

Listen in to the full episode here:

Learn more about Catherine Collins Here:


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